It sure is hard to be a working mommy! Don't get me wrong...I still think that staying at home with the kid(s) is definitely the hardest job in the world. There are absolutely NO breaks, no vacation or sick time, no hour lunches, no escapes from the tantrums, etc. But I sure am one tired gal these days. Nate is starting to sleep longer through the night and that is really helping! However, my drive is so long that I have to get up by 5:50 so I can leave by 7:00am every day and I am not (nor have I ever been) a morning person!
Every morning you can hear me grumble "I hate mornings" under my breath as I stumble out of bed and make my way to the shower. And you'd think the shower would wake me up...but no. It is only a temporary awakening to be followed by an hour long car ride during which I find myself slapping my face and practically holding my eyeballs open to stay awake!! "Try coffee!" you say? Nope. Caffeine has never really affected my ability to sleep. "Eat breakfast" you say? Yep. Did that and I'm still sleepy! "Turn your radio up loud and sing!" you say? Well if I could find a radio station that wasn't mostly "talk" radio in the morning, I would be a little more successful with this one. Speaking of morning talk shows...I just can't find one I like. What station is Kidd Kraddick on? I can't find it and I've browsed all the stations a few times. HELP!
Ok, time for bed now. Not even 10 pm on Friday night. But I'm so TIRED!!!
Christmas 2012
12 years ago