Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend "funny"

Maybe one of these days I'll get some new pics posted here...that would be nice, huh? It just takes my old computer a really long time to download the pics and then upload them on here...this is me whining about time again!!

This weekend (actually, starting Wednesday night), we had our nephew Stephen in town visiting. He watched Nate all day Thursday and Friday (don't worry...he's almost 24 and pretty mature!) and he did a great job. No emergency calls at all! We didn't do much this weekend...just ran some errands on Saturday. Here's the "funny" story from the weekend...

We went to Lowes because Stephen works there and he wanted to get us something for our apartment. So we get there and I notice Nate needs a diaper change. I take him to the ladies room and get him on the changing table. Boy...this was a STINKY and disgusting diaper! And Nate is now at the stage where he will not lay still for a diaper change...he is constantly trying to turn over and it amuses him to no end that we are always flipping him back over and scolding him! This is happening now in the Lowes restroom, only the changing table is very small and I have to leave my wipes in my diaper bag which is hanging just behind me. I was getting him wiped, and he rolled over while I was reloading. So I pick him up to turn him back over and notice that his shirt is wet...soaking actually. Then I see that the whole changing table is wet...covered in PEE! He has peed all over the table, his changing pad, his shirt, and now it is on me because I picked him up! I still hadn't gotten all the poo off and now there's pee everywhere! So I have to take his shirt off, he's naked now, and I put him in the sink (at LOWES) to rinse him off. Of course there's no soap in the dispenser!! But there was an amused lady in one of the stalls listening to me talking to Nate and laughing about what's happening. (BTW, did she offer to help me? NO!) I finally get him rinsed off and realize I have no backup outfit for him in my bag. Rookie mistake. Man, this is a nightmare!! Now I have a naked baby, still need to wipe off the table before I put him back down and get a new diaper on him. This is extremely difficult while holding a wet, squirming, naked baby! UGH. Finally I get him dressed again, minus shirt, and take him out to the boys (who have called during this time to find out where the hell I am!). DJ was totally embarrassed by Nate's "white trash" appearance, and I was mortified that we had made such a mess in the restroom, which I did try my best to clean up. Wow, now I smell like pee and poop because there was no soap in the restroom. Great...and we still have to go get groceries before going home!!

What a great time. One that will cause me to make sure to pack extra clothes for every outing. I guess every mom has to have one of these moments. Oh, and we did stop at Old Navy and bought Nate a shirt before heading to the grocery store. Did I get a new shirt? Nope. Oh well! Till later... ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Update on New Lifestyle....

Ok, so it has a week and a half now and DJ and I have been eating really well. The "diet" part of our new lifestyle is working out great! I'm not going to lie and say that we have cut out all of the sugar and processed food...but we have cut out the majority of it! And you just have to treat yourself every once in a while, right? Well, these two food-lovers do!

As for the "working out" part of our lifestyle change: not so good. We are TRYING to get some kind of work out in as often as possible. But with our hectic schedules and this awful summer heat, it's been a challenge to say the least! We just can't subject Nate to the treacherous heat every day...his body temp skyrockets just like mine and after only a minute or two he's covered in sweat. So walking in this heat is out of the question as long as it's in the 100's. I lost 3 pounds the first week...probably mostly from cutting out the majority of my daily sodas and drinking a lot of water. DJ is doing well too, although we're not sure exactly how many pounds he's lost because our scale at home is too unreliable. (I get to use a scale at work that is more reliable.) Hopefully I will have lost a couple of pounds this week as well. We both feel better, so I guess that's all that matters, right? Anyways, that's what's going on in our world!

Nate is back at the babysitter's, and is doing great! He's got one tooth on the bottom that REALLY wants to pop out, but it's not quite there yet. He does get a little fussy in the evenings sometimes and I just assume it is from teething pains. We've got some teething tablets that seem to give him some relief. And if he's really fussy, we give him a dose of tylenol and that seems to work well too. Oh, and the big boy is quickly outgrowing his 6-9 month clothes and getting into his 9-12 month stuff! I'm about to have to clean out the drawers to make room for the new size! Tomorrow he turns 8 months....WOW! Time is going by way too quickly. Love to you all! :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

A New Lifestyle.....

Today is July 5th. Today marks the first day of the University of Texas at Arlington's Summer Slimdown Contest. I joined a team of 5 of my coworkers for this weightloss competition, and we weighed in today. Today I learned that I weigh 174.2 pounds. I'm throwing it out there for everyone to know....because I am going to change this!!! Of course I am not doing this without DJ...I had to make sure he was on board before I agreed to join this team, which we named "The Biggins"!! Today we will start moving and cut out all the crap! I am going to try to lose 25 pounds in 6 weeks.......crazy? Yes, I know. But it's really not THAT much, is it? For my height, I would still be overweight even if I lost 25 pounds. And I will go for more later. Today I am feeling positive and hopeful. Today is a good day. We'll see how tomorrow goes!!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Someone tell me....

How do you change your background on these blogs? I tried doing it once, but it didn't seem to work. Now the new one flashes in front of the old one for a second, but the old one always stays. I want to change the look of this blog, but need some help!! :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Surprise, surprise!

For those of you who didn't know this, DJ's mom and two of our nieces have been staying with us all this week to watch Nate while the babysitter is on vacation. Next week my mom comes to stay, so we are super blessed to have such great family! This morning at work I got a text from Jessica, our niece. She said she was in Waco with Chuuuuuuuck (her boyfriend whose real name is Curt), and could they come surprise Nana and the girls and come see Nate? OF COURSE!! So they started driving and got here around 3:30 or so. Stopped by DJ's work to surprise him, then came to the apartment to surprise Nana and the girls (and Nate!). What a great surprise for them and a good time for all of us! Yes, our tiny apartment is a little crowded, but it is worth it for us all to be together.

Tomorrow is the RANGERS game! My mom, dad, sisters, brother in laws, and all the kiddos are going to the Ballpark in Arlington to enjoy a game. And we're taking the girls, Amie and Jamie, to their first Rangers game. Since I work in Arlington I will just meet them at the ballpark and Lori and family will be bringing DJ and the girls. We're all really looking forward to it. Maybe I'll even get a "hoooooootttttttttddddddddooooooooggggggggg!" If you've ever been to a baseball game, you get that reference....

As the week draws to a close, we are sad to see Nana and the girls (and Jessica and Curt) go. But we are also looking forward to my mom staying with us for a week. Every once in a while, a girl just needs her mommy! And I don't get to spend much time with her when she is here, so I'm looking foward to a whole week! But we will miss all of the spoiling Nana has done, we are so blessed to have her in our lives. She is the BEST!! Ok, that's it for now....goodnight! :)