Monday, May 24, 2010

A few more pictures!

Here are some pics of Nate we took recently. He is getting so big. But he is so much fun! He's gotten so squirmy lately, it's really hard to hold him and diaper changes are quite challenging! But it's worth every frustrating moment, and we wouldn't trade it for anything. Enjoy!
I'm going to reach that remote, Mommy!

Jumping is FUN!

Do I have something on my face?

I love my exersaucer!

What are you looking at? :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Check up stats

Nate had his 6 month check up today, and I thought I'd update you on where he's at. He now weighs in at 17 lbs, which is in the 45th percentile for weight. His head is in the 70th percentile and he is 27 1/2 inches long, which is in the 80th percentile. So, we have a tall baby with a big head who is average weight. I would have thought he was heavier, but only because I have to carry him all the time!!

Today, DJ took Nate to the doctor for his first solo visit without mommy. I don't have any sick hours to use because of various things I've had to take off for...mostly Nate or me being sick. Poor Daddy had to experience shots for the first time...but apparently Nate only cried for a few seconds whereas with me he cries for 15 mins!! After the appt, DJ took Nate to Sherry's house (our babysitter) and he slept for about an hour. Sherry said he was kind of cranky when he woke up, but after some tylenol he was fine. All was good until mommy came to pick him up. Oh, he was happy to see me...but little did I know that when I picked him up he had pooped through his clothes and that wet spot on his outfit was POO! So I got slimed yet again. I was reminded of that line from the classic movie, "Joe Dirt" when he yells, "I got the poo on me!!" We had to strip Nate down to his diaper and he rode home in the car seat naked, with only his bib and diaper on. CLASSY!!! :) And mommy? She had to suffer with the poo on her until she got home, unloaded everything, and finally could change clothes! That's just what moms do.

Anyways....that's life in the fast lane. And I should know...I drive about 3 hours a day. Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

6 months old!

Well today is another milestone day for Baby Nate. He turned 6 months old. I cannot believe that he has been in our lives for 6 months...and yet now I cannot even imagine what life was like without him. Every day he melts our hearts with something he does....whether it is a goofy toothless grin, a new behavior he is learning, his appetite for new and different foods, or even the habit he has picked up of hitting us in the face while he's eating his bottle!! We love every moment. The good, the bad and the STINKY!! Let me tell you....diaper changes have turned ever so much more stinky now that he is eating real foods, and it is not pretty.

We are always getting slimed with something gross, our clothes are always stained with spit-up or baby food, and we are ALWAYS running late. But the past 6 months have shown us how meaningful life is when you have someone depending on you for everything, and how beautiful that meaning is when you share it with people you love. I don't want to sound like a Hallmark greeting card, but life really is good with Nate in it. Have a great week, everyone! And much love!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I obviously got the wrong video on the last post! Here is the "peas" video that we shot today. Sorry....

Peas porridge hot...peas porridge cold...

Peas porridge in the pot all day long! Is that right? I'm not very good at recalling nursery rhymes, but I think that's how it goes. Anyways, here is Nate eating peas. He seems to like them ok, but not as much as the squash! I've been making Nate's baby food and it has been very worthwhile. There are lots of reasons why I decided to make his food, but the #1 reason is the cost. I can buy one bag of frozen vegetables, or one big acorn squash for less than $2 and get 16 one oz servings out of it!! So far I have made squash and peas. Next will be green beans. I like it also because I know what is in his food and I feel like we are starting him out eating healthy, wholesome food. Plus, if you freeze them in the little ice cube trays, you have a variety of different veggies to choose from each day! It's been really great.

Rollin', rollin', rollin'!!

Watch Nate as he rolls over! He has been doing this for about a week now, and is getting much better. We love to watch and cheer him on! Uh oh...this means he'll be crawling soon...then walking...then running!

Feel better soon, Pepo!!

Nate's Pepo has been recovering from surgery for a couple of weeks. Since we can't go see him yet, here are some videos of Nate for him to enjoy and help him feel better!!

We love you, Pepo! Please feel better soon, so we can hang out! Love, Nate

Happy Anniversary to us!

Today marks our first anniversary! We are so happy to have made it one year...and what a year it has been! Here's to MANY more! I love you, babe!!!